Written by Miss Vicky on Thursday August 3, 2023

Acro Classes

Acro seamlessly combines dance and acrobatics. Students will learn strength and flexibility exercises to prepare them for increased difficulty with gymnastic-based tricks. It teaches flexibility, balance, strength, and coordination and perfectly compliments the other styles of dance we offer.

Level Day Time
Preparatory Acro (4-5 years)  Fridays 4.00-4.30pm
Primary Acro (6-8 years) Fridays 4.30-5.00pm
Primary Acro (6-8 years) Saturdays 9.30-10.00am
Grade 1 Acro (9-10 years) Fridays 5.00-5.45pm
Grade 1 Acro  (10-11 years) Fridays 5.45-6.30pm