Written by Miss Vicky on Wednesday January 10, 2024

Team VG Lower School Students are proud to present;

'Sparkle & Shine'

Burgess Hall, One Leisure, St Ives
Sunday 23rd March 2025


1. If your child/children do not want to take part in the show, please let us know as soon as possible as we will not apply for a performance license for them.

2. If you have two or more children in the school, they may be in different shows. This is unavoidable when dealing with so many students, but we are unable to offer any free tickets. 

3. It's possible that one child may be in different shows for their different styles of dance, once again this is unavoidable at times, but we will offer two free tickets to one of the shows if this is the case. Please note this on your ticket booking form if this applies to your child. 

3. Please find your child/childrens class below to find out which show/s they will take part in;

Students in the following classes will perform in the 11am performance only:

Class Day & Time Class Name Teacher Studio
Monday 4.00-4.30pm Melody Movement-Year 1 Miss Cerys 2
Monday 4.30-5.00pm Beginners  Ballet Miss Vicky 1
Monday 4.30-5.00pm Beginners Modern Jazz Miss Cerys 2
Tuesday 4.30-5.00pm Mini Street Dancers (4-5 years) Miss Cerys 3
Wednesday 4.00-4.30pm Preparatory Modern Jazz Miss Sophie 2
Wednesday 5.30-6.15pm Beginners Contemporary Miss Sophie 2
Wednesday 5.30-6.15pm 6-9 years Street Dance Miss Charlotte 3
Saturday 8.30-9.00am Preparatory Ballet Miss Vicky 1
Saturday 9.00-9.30am Beginners Acro Miss Sophie 2

Students in the following classes will perform in the 2.30pm performance only:

Class Day & Time Class Name Teacher Studio
Monday 4.00-4.30pm Primary Ballet Miss Vicky 1
Tuesday 4.00-4.30pm Melody Movement-Year 2 Miss Sophie 2
Tuesday 4.00-4.30pm Beginner Ballet Miss Cerys 3
Tuesday 4.30-5.00pm Primary Modern Jazz Miss Sophie  2
Tuesday 6.00-6.45pm 6-9 years Street Dance Miss Charlotte 3
Wednesday 4.30-5.00pm Primary Acro Miss Sophie 2
Wednesday 5.00-5.30pm Beginners Tap Miss Sophie 2
Wednesday 6.15-7.00pm Primary Musical Theatre Miss Sophie  2
Friday 4.00-4.30pm Preparatory Acro Miss Sophie 1
Saturday 9.30-10.00am Primary Modern Miss Sophie 2
Saturday 11.30-12.00pm Primary Tap Miss Sophie 2

Students in the following classes will perform in BOTH performances:

Class Day & Time Class Name Teacher Studio
Monday 5.00-5.30pm Introduction to Grade 1 Ballet Miss Cerys 2
Wednesday 4.15-5.00pm Grade 1 Ballet Miss Vicky 1
Wednesday 7.00-7.45pm Grade 1 Contemporary Miss Sophie 2
Friday 4.30-5.15pm Grade 1 Acro Miss Sophie 1
Saturday 8.30-9.00am Grade 1 Acro Miss Sophie 3
Saturday 10.00-10.45am Grade 1 Modern Jazz Miss Sophie 2
Saturday 11.15-12.00pm Grade 1 Tap Miss Ashleigh 3
Saturday 12.00-12.45pm Introduction to Grade 1 Tap Miss Sophie 2


Tickets for the performances sell out very quickly, so please do not leave it too late to book as we cannot exceed the amount of seats in the auditorium. Tickets will be issued in order of receipt.

All tickets are £10.00 each (no concessions), children aged two years or under do not need a ticket as they can sit on a lap. Please complete the booking form which will be handed out in class.

Please return ticket form with either cash in a named envelope or, if paying via BACS, please note that your ticket form will not be processed until the admin staff see your payment in the bank. We cannot set up direct debits for show tickets.

If you have any specific seating requirements due to disability, please write them on your form and we will try our best to accommodate you.

For any other questions, please email us on info@vickygrant.com.