Written by Ollie on Wednesday January 19, 2022

Tap Classes

Tap dance is a performance art where the dancer creates catchy rhythms with their feet, made possible with toe and heel taps on their shoes. It’s known for its syncopated, catchy beats and choreography, which can be linked to many of the dance styles above by combining the tap footwork with stylish body movements.

Beginner Classes

Level Day Time Suggested Age Range
Beginners Tap - Class Award 1 Wednesdays 5.00-5.30pm 5-6 years
Complete Beginner Adult Tap Thursdays 6.00-7.00pm Adults
Beginner Adult Tap Mondays 6.00-7.00pm Adults

Junior Clases

Level Day Time Suggested Age Range
Primary Saturdays 11.30-12.00pm 7-9 years
Introduction to Grade 1 Saturdays 12.00-12.45pm 9-10 years

Graded Classes

Level Day Time
Grade 1 Saturdays 11.15-11.45am 11-13 years
Grade 3 Saturdays 9.00-9.45am 12-14 years
Grade 4 Saturdays 1.00-1.45pm 14-16 years
Grade 6 Saturdays 2.00-3.00pm 15-16 years
Grade 6 Saturday's 3.00-4.00pm 16-18 years

Adult Classes

Level Day Time
Complete Beginners Thursdays 6.00-7.00pm
Beginners Mondays 6.00-7.00pm
Intermediates Mondays 7.00-8.00pm
Advanced Mondays 8.00-9.00pm

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